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NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Monthly Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), Version 2.2-1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Earth Radiation Budget Tropical dynamics (ENSO, MJO, tropical expansion) Precipitation Climate model verification Solar Energy Forecast
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies, private and public sector
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies, private and public sector
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies, private and public sector
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies, private and public sector
CLARA-A1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: earth radiation budget studies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: This CDR is used by an international community of scientists ( and others) to monitor the global ocean sea surface temperatures through the generation of level-4 climatology and daily optimally interpolated SST products, to give scientists valuable insights into ocean ecology by helping them to monitor coral reef stress, El Nino-La Nina cycles that influence a wide range of weather conditions, to characterize local habitats, ocean current patterns and for college and high school training to study different oceanographic processes.
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: This CDR is used by an international community of scientists ( and others) to monitor the global ocean sea surface temperatures through the generation of level-4 climatology and daily optimally interpolated SST products, to give scientists valuable insights into ocean ecology by helping them to monitor coral reef stress, El Nino La Nina cycles that influence a wide range of weather conditions, to characterize local habitats, ocean current patterns and for college and high school training to study different oceanographic processes.
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: - Evaluating vegetation stress - Forecasting agricultural yields - Forestry and crop management - Carbon cycle modeling
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Snow cover and hydroclimate studies Snow-atmosphere studies Snow-sea ice studies Seasonal cycle analysis Forced model simulations Model intercomparison/validation