Welcome to this Book

Welcome to this Book#

This book demonstrates the use of the catalogue interface provided by the catalogues ESA EOCAT and CEOS FedEO. It provides examples of typical search requests for Earth Observation collections and granules and the corresponding responses.

The book covers multiple topics including:

  • OpenSearch with GeoJSON responses

  • OGC API-Features interface with GeoJSON and other responses

  • STAC collection and item search interfaces

  • JSON-LD, RDF/XML and Turtle responses with schema.org encoding

  • JSON-LD, RDF/XML and Turtle responses with GeoDCAT-AP encoding

  • HTML responses with structured data according to schema.org

  • Searching for collections, granules and services

Future versions of the book are expected to cover additional topics including:

  • Accessing data in cloud-native formats

  • OGC API-Records interface

  • GRAPHQL interface

  • Accessing the ESA SKOS Thesauri for platforms, instruments and Earth topics

Additional information: