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NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Northern Hemisphere (NH) Snow Cover Extent (SCE), Version 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Snow cover and hydroclimate studies Snow-atmosphere studies Snow-sea ice studies Seasonal cycle analysis Forced model simulations Model intercomparison/validation
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: NMHS: Automation, extension, homogenization and quality check of cloud observations (MeteoSwiss, DWD, ...) Validation of regional climate models (e.g. COSMOCLM), especially sub grid-scale parameterization, diurnal cycle climatology Climate Monitoring; GCOS ECV climate impact analysis
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs Government agencies GERB science team
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes regional climate monitoring and modelling Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M, WMO climate services
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs Government agencies GERB science team
CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M
CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of hours to years Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate Change and Natural Variability Impact Assessment, Extreme Precipitation Events (esp., Flood and Drought), Long-term Trend Analysis, Water Resources Management and Planning, Policy Making, Updating flood frequency duration curves and statistical hydrological design for storm drainage.
CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Solar energy community (JRC) Agriculture meteorology (e.g. PAR). Medicine meteorology. Climate community (system analysis)
CLAAS-2. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes regional climate monitoring and modelling Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M, WMO climate services