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TOA GERB 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs WCRP GERB science team
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs Government agencies GERB science team
CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: NMHS: Automation, extension, homogenization and quality check of cloud observations (MeteoSwiss, DWD, ...) Validation of regional climate models (e.g. COSMOCLM), especially sub grid-scale parameterization, diurnal cycle climatology Climate Monitoring; GCOS ECV climate impact analysis
FTH Edition 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: SNU, DWD for COSMO-CLM evaluation, climate service, regional climate modelling, climate analysis
TOA GERB 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs WCRP GERB science team
CLAAS-2. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes regional climate monitoring and modelling Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M, WMO climate services
CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of hours to years Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP7 EURO-4M
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Same applications as before but with longer time series: Boundary Condition For Climate Models (DOI 10.1007/s00382-005-0073-9) Direct Climate Analysis Such As Impact Of Desertification On African Climate, Impact Of Fires On Surface Reflectance (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002388) Surface Reflectance Changes As Response To Precipitation Variability And Change (DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.04.004, DOI 10.1007/s00704-013-0880-6). In addition the data are being used within the EU FP7 QA4ECV project for combination with data from polar orbit for true global albedo data record and the within calculations of surface shortwave radiative flux
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate impact analysis (DWD,EURO4M,PIK) Climate model evaluation and development (DWD, EURO4M) Climate change analysis (WMO-RCC,EURO4M) Development agencies (GTZ) agricultural planning and drought risk assessment (GTZ, Univ. Bologna) Solar energy (JRC,BSW,ISET)