European Space Agency, 2018, JERS-1 SAR Level 1 Single Look Complex Image. Version 1.0.
The JSA_SLC_1P product is comparable to the ESA SLC/IMS images generated for Envisat ASAR and ERS SAR instruments. It is a slant-range projected complex image in zero-Doppler SAR coordinates. The data is sampled in natural units of time in range and along track, with the range pixel spacing corresponding to the reciprocal of the platform ADC rate and the along track spacing to the reciprocal of the PRF. Data is processed to an unweighted Doppler bandwidth of 1000Hz, without sidelobe reduction. The product is suitable for interferometric, calibration and quality analysis applications. Data acquired by ESA ground stations
ESA/ESRIN Largo Galileo Galilei 1 00044 Frascati (Roma) Italy tel:+3906941801
ESA/ESRIN Largo Galileo Galilei 1 00044 Frascati (Roma) Italy tel:+3906941801