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  • 7813eb75a131474a8d908f69c716b031
  • ESA Sea Surface Salinity Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Surface_Salinity_cci): Monthly sea surface salinity product, v2.31, for 2010 to 2019
  • 2024-11-08 01:24:56
  • The ESA Sea Surface Salinity CCI consortium has produced global, level 4, multi-sensor Sea Surface Salinity maps covering the 2010-2019 period.This dataset provides Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data at a spatial resolution of 25 km and a time resolution of 1 month. This has been spatially sampled on a 25 km EASE (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid and 15 days of time sampling. A weekly product is also available. In addition to salinity, information on errors are provided (see more in the user guide and product documentation available below and on the Sea Surface Salinity CCI web page).An overview paper about CCI SSS is now published:Boutin, J., N. Reul, J. Koehler, A. Martin, R. Catany, S. Guimbard, F. Rouffi, et al. (2021), Satellite-Based Sea Surface Salinity Designed for Ocean and Climate Studies, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(11), e2021JC017676, doi: updated version of CCI SSS (version 3.21) is now available on: ; version 3 SSS and associated uncertainties are more precise and cover a longer period (Jan 2010-sept 2020); version 3 SSS are provided closer to land than version 2 SSS, with a possible degraded quality. Users might remove these additional near land data by using the lsc_qc flag.
  • Collection
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • -90.0 -180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0 180.0 90.0 -180.0 -90.0 -180.0
  • 2010-01-01 00:00:00 / 2019-12-31 23:59:59
  • SMOS
  • SMAP
  • SAC-D
  • DIF10
  • ESA Climate Change Initiative
  • CCI
  • Sea Surface Salinity
  • orthoimagery