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CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Water cycle, energy cycle, carbon cycle, numerical Weather prediction, climatological extremes, trend analysis, hydrological and agricultural processes i.e. runoff generation, drought development, and irrigation. Data usage overview manuscript is currently under review for Remote Sensing of Environment. title: "ESA CCI Soil Moisture for improved Earth System understanding: state-of-the art and future directions"
FRESCO v7 Cloud Pressure. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate monitoring
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: PATMOS-x AVHRR supports: NCEI AVHRR Aerosol TCDR, Climate analysis, Climate model verification
CLARA-A1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies
algorithm_version:BIRA MAPIR v3.0. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: reduction in uncertainty of the quantitative role of aerosols in climate forcing; validate and improve the capability of climate simulation models and reanalyses to represent aerosol effects;
algorithm_version: LMD v1.3. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: reduction in uncertainty of the quantitative role of aerosols in climate forcing; validate and improve the capability of climate simulation models and reanalyses to represent aerosol effects;
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: earth radiation budget studies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies, private and public sector
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Monthly Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), Version 2.2-1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Earth Radiation Budget Tropical dynamics (ENSO, MJO, tropical expansion) Precipitation Climate model verification Solar Energy Forecast
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs & government agencies, private and public sector