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  • urn:eop:VITO:ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_V2
  • ESA WorldCover 10 meter Land Cover Map 2021
  • 2022-10-01 10:57:31
  • The ESA WorldCover product is a global land cover map with 11 land cover classes. WorldCover provides worldwide coverage at 10 meters and is provided per 3 x 3 degree tile. Note that ocean areas and inner ice sheets do not have tiles. Data is provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs. The ESA WorldCover product has been produced by a consortium lead by VITO (Belgium) together with Brockmann Consult (Germany), CS SI (France), Gamma Remote Sensing AG (Switzerland), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria) and Wageningen University (The Netherlands). Naming convention: ESA_WorldCover_10m_[YEAR]_[VERSION]_[TILE]_[LAYER].tif/ * [YEAR] indicates the reference year (observation period) in four digits. * [VERSION] shows the product version. The version denoted as vMmr (e.g. v201), with ‘M’ representing the major version (e.g. v2), ‘m’ the minor version (starting from 0) and ‘r’ the production run number (starting from 1) * [TILE] the designation of the 3 x 3 degree tile, composed of the 2-digit latitude and 3-digit longitude of the lower-left corner. Example: N19W100 for the tile covering the area from 100W to 99W and 19N to 20N. For example: ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_v200_N19W100_Map.tif/
  • Collection
  • -90.0 -180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0 180.0 90.0 -180.0 -90.0 -180.0
  • Sentinel-1
  • Sentinel-2
  • C-SAR
  • MSI
  • DIF10
  • Land Cover
  • Space
  • Remote Sensing
  • ESA Worldcover
  • Environment
  • WorldCoverMap