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  • TRMM_GPMFormat_PR_KuPR_L2_DU2
  • TRMM_GPMFormat/PR/KuPR L2 Precipitation
  • 2023-02-14 00:00:00
  • TRMM_GPMFormat/PR/KuPR L2 Precipitation dataset is the new (GPM-formated) TRMM product and replaces the old TRMM_2A21, 2A23 and 2A25 datasets. It is obtained from the Precipitation Radar (PR) sensor onboard Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Core Satellite and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).The most innovative of the five TRMM instruments, the PR is the first quantitative rain radar instrument to be flown in space. The major objectives of the PR instrument are as follows:a. Provides a 3-dimensional rainfall structureb. Achieves quantitative measurements of the rain rates over both land and ocean When properly combined with TMI measurements, the Precipitation Radar (PR) data is instrumental in obtaining the height profile of the precipitation content, from which the profile of latent heat release from the Earth can be estimated. The rain rate is estimated from the radar reflectivity factor when the rain rate is small by applying conventional algorithms used for ground-based radar. For large rain rates, a rain attenuation correction is made using the total-path attenuation of land or sea surface echoes.TRMM 2A21 dataset computes the path-integrated attenuation (PIA) using the surface reference technique (SRT). TRMM 2A23 dataset detects of bright band (BB) and determines of the height of BB, the strength of BB, and the width (i.e. thickness) of BB when BB exists, and classificates of rain type into the three categories. TRMM 2A25 dataset corrects for the rain attenuation in measured radar reflectivity (Zm) and to estimate the instantaneous three-dimensional distribution of rain from the TRMM Precipitation Radar data.The provided format is HDF5. The Sampling resolution are 5km (horizontal) and 125m (vertical). The current version of the product is Version 6. The generation unit is one orbit.
  • Collection
  • 10.57746/EO.01gs73b0dmb84c2574zw49pfvq
  • -38.0 -180.0 -38.0 180.0 38.0 180.0 38.0 -180.0 -38.0 -180.0
  • 1997-12-08 00:00:00 / 2015-04-02 23:59:59
  • TRMM
  • PR
  • DIF10