The European Space Agency, in collaboration with BlackBridge collected 2 time series datasets with a 5 day revisit at high resolution: • February to June 2013 over 14 selected sites around the world • April to September 2015 over 10 selected sites around the world The RapidEye Earth Imaging System provides data at 5 m spatial resolution (multispectral L3A orthorectified). The products are radiometrically and sensor corrected similar to the 1B Basic product, but have geometric corrections applied to the data during orthorectification using DEMs and GCPs. The product accuracy depends on the quality of the ground control and DEMs used. The imagery is delivered in GeoTIFF format with a pixel spacing of 5 metres. The dataset is composed of data over: • 14 selected sites in 2013: Argentina, Belgium, Chesapeake Bay, China, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Jordan, Korea, Morocco, Paraguay, South Africa and Ukraine. • 10 selected sites in 2015: Limburgerhof, Railroad Valley, Libya4, Algeria4, Figueres, Libya1, Mauritania1, Barrax, Esrin, Uyuni Salt Lake.