This is a land cover classification map of Brazilian Amazon, from January to December of 2018. This classification was made on top of Landsat-8 biweekly cubes with spatial resolution of 30 meters, using the best pixel composition function named as Least Cloud Cover First (LCF), which was previously named Stack in BDC older versions. The input datacube was Landsat-8 - OLI - Cube Stack 16 days - v001, which was deprecated. The classification model was trained using 2303 sample points (Agriculture: 405, Forest: 1284, Pasture: 482). The spectral band used were B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, and B7 along with the vegetation indices EVI and NDVI; the clouded observation were identified using the Fmask4 algorithm and estimated using linear interpolation. The classification algorithm was Random Forest. The post-processing included masking water (using Pekel et al 2016). This product was funded by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).