GCOM-W/AMSR2 L3 Sea Surface Temperature (1-Day,0.1 deg) dataset is obtained from the AMSR2 sensor onboard GCOM-W and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-W was launched by the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 21 (H-IIA F21) at 1:39 a.m. on May 18th, 2012 (Japan Standard Time, JST) and inserted into a planned position on the "A-Train" orbit. GCOM-W equipped with AMSR2 takes measurements at multiple microwave frequencies and multiple polarizations of weak electromagnetic waves in the microwave band radiated from the Earthâs surface and the atmosphere. AMSR2 has swath of 1450 km and 7 microwave bands. The observation data will enable the creation of long-term trustworthy data sets of global physical amount. The Level 3 process uses as its inputs one day's worth of Level 1B data and Level 2 data and calculates, by taking a simple arithmetic mean, the daily statistical mean value at each grid point in the specified mapping projection method (either equi-rectangular or polar stereo). Furthermore, Level 3 processing takes one month's worth of each geophysical parameter's Level 3 daily statistical mean values and calculates the monthly statistical mean value at each grid point using a simple arithmetic mean in the same way as the daily statistical mean calculation. The statistical means are calculated separately for observations along the satellite's ascending and descending tracks. This dataset includes Sea Surface Temperature (SST) overwritten by latest data, temperature of water at ocean surface. Coverage of the product is over the ocean only, and unit is [degree]. Its horizontal resolution is about 20-30 km and coarser than that of optical instruments. Microwave radiometer, however, can observe ocean surface through clouds, and monitor continuous change of sea surface temperature over the ocean where few clear region can be found in specific areas or seasons. Missing value is -32768. When there is no geophysical data within observation swath, this value is set up when computing neither the case where the amount of geophysics is incomputable, nor the amount of geophysics. Error values are -32761 to -32767. It is outside observation swath data. The provided format is HDF5. The Sampling resolution is 0.1 degree grid. The statistical period is 1 day. The current version of the product is Version 4. The Version 3 is also available. The projection method is EQR. The generation unit is global.