GCOM-W/AMSR2 L1B Brightness Temperature dataset is obtained from the AMSR2 sensor onboard GCOM-W and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-W was launched by the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 21 (H-IIA F21) at 1:39 a.m. on May 18th, 2012 (Japan Standard Time, JST) and inserted into a planned position on the "A-Train" orbit. GCOM-W equipped with AMSR2 takes measurements at multiple microwave frequencies and multiple polarizations of weak electromagnetic waves in the microwave band radiated from the Earthâs surface and the atmosphere. AMSR2 has swath of 1450 km and 7 microwave bands. The observation data will enable the creation of long-term trustworthy data sets of global physical amount. Level 1B product uses Level 1A product as the input and converting digital output values from the sensor to brightness temperatures. Values that are calculated from sensor counts and are proportional to the power of observed electromagnetic wave. They are expressed by the physical temperature of blackbody, which can emit the electromagnetic wave with the same power. This product is the Level 1B brightness temperatures which converted from digital output values from the sensor. The physical quantity unit is Kelvin. The provided format is HDF5. The physical quantity unit is Kelvin. The sampling resolution is 5-50km. The current version of the product is Version 2. The Version 1 is also available. The generation unit is Scene (defined as a half orbit).