GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Binned Atmospheric corrected reflectance (GEOV) (1-Day,1/24 deg) is obtained from the SGLI sensor onboard GCOM-C and produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). GCOM-C is Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent Orbit satellite launched on December 23, 2017, which mounts SGLI and conducts long-term global observations of geophysical variables related to the global climate system across 28 items including aerosol and vegetation over 4 areas of atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. The data will be used to contribute to higher accuracy of global warming prediction. The SGLI has swath of 1150 km in the visible band and 1400 km in the infrared band. Level 3 products are defined to be products derived from Level 1B and Level 2 products by statistically processing the Level 1B and Level 2 products in time and space domains.This dataset is daily spatial binning statistics product by reducing the spatial resolution to 1/24 deg with EQA projection.The Geometry data of VNR-NP sensor is stored. This dataset includes absolute relative azimuth angle and sensor zenith angle. The data unit is degree. The stored statistics values are average (AVE), root-mean-square (RMS), maximum value (MAX), minimum value (MIN), number of input data (Ninput), number of used data (Nused), date of observation (Date), and quality flag (QA_flag).The statistical period is 1 day, also 8 days and 1 month statistics are available. The projection method is EQA. The generation unit is Global. The current version of the product is Version 3. The Version 2 is also available.