ADEOS AVNIR L1B2 Multispectral band data set is obtained from AVNIR sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) is a NASDA core sensor, an optoelectronic scanning radiometer using CCD detectors. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding land and coastal zone.The Level L1B2 product is radiometically and geometrically corrected image from Level1B data, geometically corrected, projected on the map. This product is ADEOS AVNIR L1B2 Multispectral band data. AVNIR has 5 bands from 0.42 - 0.89 µm (multispectral bands: 0.42-0.50, 0.52-0.60, 0.61-0.69 and 0.76-0.89 µm, panchromatic band (visible): 1 band 0.52-0.69 µm) and 80 km swath. A large line array CCD with multiple pixels of 10,000 pixels (multi-spectral band) and 5,000 pixels (panchromatic band) is adopted to achieve high resolution.The provided format is CEOS, 5403Ã5017 array tile. The spatial resolution is 16 m.