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  • 326bf808aedd41fd85594fc06678d20a
  • ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci): ATSR2-AATSR monthly gridded cloud properties, version 3.0
  • 2024-12-26 00:14:30
  • The Cloud_cci ATSR2-AATSRv3 dataset (covering 1995-2012) was generated within the Cloud_cci project, which was funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme (Contract No.: 4000109870/13/I-NB). This dataset is one of the 6 datasets generated in Cloud_cci; all of them being based on passive-imager satellite measurements. This dataset is based on measurements from the ATSR2 and AATSR instruments (onboard the ERS2 and ENVISAT satellites) and contains a variety of cloud properties which were derived employing the Community Cloud retrieval for Climate (CC4CL; Sus et al., 2018; McGarragh et al., 2018) retrieval framework. The core cloud properties contained in the Cloud_cci ATSR2-AATSRv3 dataset are cloud mask/fraction, cloud phase, cloud top pressure/height/temperature, cloud optical thickness, cloud effective radius and cloud liquid/ice water path. Spectral cloud albedo is also included as experimental product. The cloud properties are available at different processing levels: This particular dataset contains Level-3C (monthly averages and histograms) data, while Level-3U (globally gridded, unaveraged data fields) is also available as a separate dataset. Pixel-based uncertainty estimates come along with all properties and have been propagated into the Level-3C data. The data in this dataset are a subset of the ATSR2-AATSR L3C / L3U cloud products version 3.0 dataset produced by the ESA Cloud_cci project available from To cite the full dataset, please use the following citation: Poulsen, Caroline; McGarragh, Greg; Thomas, Gareth; Stengel, Martin; Christensen, Matthew; Povey, Adam; Proud, Simon; Carboni, Elisa; Hollmann, Rainer; Grainger, Don (2019): ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (ESA Cloud_cci) data: Cloud_cci ATSR2-AATSR L3C/L3U CLD_PRODUCTS v3.0, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Dataset Producer), DOI:10.5676/DWD/ESA_Cloud_cci/ATSR2-AATSR/V003
  • Collection
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • CEDA
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell
    OX11 0QX Oxon
    United Kingdom
  • -90.0 -180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0 180.0 90.0 -180.0 -90.0 -180.0
  • 1995-06-01 00:00:00 / 2012-04-30 23:59:59
  • Envisat
  • ERS-2
  • ATSR-2
  • DIF10
  • ESA
  • CCI
  • Clouds
  • orthoimagery